Why the name Sirius?
The story behind Sirius is a love story. I first laid eyes on my now husband in high school in Kents Hill, Maine. We were in English class together and I was instantly smitten. At the time he was cooking on the line at Wendy’s during summer vacations. In college he went on to be the kitchen manager of The Weathervane Seafood restaurant in Brewer, Maine during his college years while I worked my way though nursing school as a bar manager. Chuck and I are from New England. We met in Maine, but spent our formative years in Massachusetts, Connecticut, Delaware, New York, Maryland, etc. After Chuck joined the Army we added Oklahoma, Kansas, South Carolina, and Texas to the list of places we called home and Chuck honed his cooking with fire skill living in the best barbecue regions in the USA. Chuck was also stationed in Germany for 3 years. Amazing friends were made, so many road trips were taken, and our recipe book grew. Then babies were born. First Robin, then Charlie, and when I was 7 months pregnant with our third child Chuck was sent to Iraq. Our son William, who was born while Chuck was gone is named for a friend who did not make it home. Needless to say Chuck’s deployment was a long, stressful year.
How did I manage? I created a lot of routines. Things for us to do while Chuck was gone to pass the time and create a structure for our days. The theme of that deployment was the stars. I read the kids a book about a dad who deployed and could no longer play catch in the yard with his son because he would be on the other side of the world for a while. He told his son he found a way to still play catch. The dad said the stars would come out for him first in the Middle East and he would find the North Star every night. When he found it he would put all his hopes and dreams and wishes and prayers on that star and blow really hard to send the star over the ocean to his son. Every night the son would go find it and do the same sending it back to the dad until the day the dad could hoped on a plane and chased that star across the sky home home to his family. Robin was 5, Charlie was 2, and William was a newborn. We were not finding the North Star. Instead they decided to wished on the brightest star in the night sky. They wished dad would come home, be safe, stop being gone, and we could stay together as a family. The star they wished on? The brightest star in the nights sky? Sirius. This is why we are Sirius Wood Fired Pizza.
Holly Preble
Event Coordinator